An animator who specializes in the consumption of 5 Hour Energy

Joe @aggimajera

Age 31, Male

California, United States

Joined on 4/28/13

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aggimajera's News

Posted by aggimajera - December 7th, 2013

I just discovered a new video editing software, so I'm going to do an enhanced version of "Valiance" as practice. Reworked, improved audio/visual effects.

Posted by aggimajera - November 8th, 2013

I'm currently sitting on 2 projects that I am absolutely eager to make:
One of them is a movie trailer for a buddy action movie starring 2 Mexicans, 2 Russians, and 1 Irishman joining forces to stop the French from instigating WW3. Completely retarded idea, but I've got a few clever ideas and laughs up my sleeve :)
The other idea is another Overseer story. A couple of my friends said that I left it on an incomplete end. They're wondering what happens to him and his family after the ending. Well, I wrote up a new story that will display just that. But this time, there will be more emphasis on relations between characters, and cause and effect.
More on those soon! This whole school and transfer thing is really kicking my ass lately...

Posted by aggimajera - October 21st, 2013

For my recent steps towards opening myself up to anime movies and television shows, I recently watched a show I had my eye on for quite some time...
The Legend of Korra.
This show not only has a top notch story.... but the animation. Oh god, the ANIMATION!!! This shit is awesome!!! If I were able to have tech available to me that the creators of this show have, I would die.
If you have anything else you want to list that you love about the show (without spoiling anything in season 1's finale or anything from season 2) list them here :D

The Legend of Korra!! NO SPOILERS

Posted by aggimajera - October 6th, 2013

How many people on this site wish have many projects they wish to pursue, but don't have too much time for it because of factors such as school or work?
Just want to make sure I'm not the only one :P

Posted by aggimajera - September 4th, 2013

So the next phase of my life begins very soon.
I'm going to be applying at several film schools, but in order to do that... I need a portfolio.
Since I am taking this seriously, I had to push going to a university back by a semester.
I've only a couple more semesters at community college to fulfill the general education requirements. After that I'm going to focus exclusively on making as many live action and animated projects as I can so that way the schools can even consider me. Because right now, all I have is "The Overseer". One project is not enough.
I'm going to buy a $900 Panasonic X920 video camcorder and some cheap audio equipment so I can conduct a few small shorts, and of course I will be working on some animations (which have me just as excited).
That's my plan. Get that camera and audio equipment, and get some projects under my belt while I finish school!

Posted by aggimajera - August 26th, 2013

Included in message:
1.) Retrospective of series and description of video.
2.) Whats next for me.

1.) So it's finally over.
The Overseer series and the story of this man are, by most accounts, over and wrapped.
It took the entire damn summer to get all 4 parts up on the internet for the public to watch. I sacrificed a lot of time for it. And I was nervous about the feedback.
Turns out I love it, positive or negative.
The final Overseer episode, titled "Endearment", is up and available to watch. And I don't even know yet whether response for it will be positive, lukewarm, or negative.
Regardless of what happens, I made the best damn video I could, and worked to see the idea in my head become a reality. No matter what happens, no matter the response, I am glad it is now behind me. I can watch them knowing I made a commitment and stuck to it.
*Be warned*, it is 11 minutes long. But it is necessary to bring everything to a head and to a close. And I like the result. Time will tell if you all do to.

2.) Now, as for the future, no more series' will be coming from me. Singles taking place within the same universe are definitely on my list, but I will not have the time for this kind of commitment again.
But there are about 3 other ideas in my head unrelated to the Overseer universe, and about 3 that are. What projects I pursue between school and work will be decided later.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the Overseer series, and thanks to all who watched and reviewed it. I take each review to heart.
Have a good evening.

One part of my animation life behind me.

Posted by aggimajera - August 23rd, 2013

At long last, the animating for Part 4 is complete!
The final run time is 10 minutes and 55 seconds. And I am more than satisfied with the results.
The final piece of the puzzle is to work on the sound. Shouldn't take very long at all.
The next post I make will be the video.
I'm so happy.


Posted by aggimajera - August 21st, 2013

1 more update on my life and my progress on this next part.
So there's only 10 pages of storyboard left. This is it, the home stretch! I've passed over 104 scenes already, adding up to about 8 minutes. The final video will (unfortunately) pass the 10 minute mark by about 30 seconds.
So I went out camping for a few days, slowed down development a little bit, but its back to biz as usual.
But I also fear that my computer might be acting up with some hard drive issues, and may require some maintenance if it becomes a major issue.
Otherwise, just letting you know that it's so,so close to being done. It seems like a bigger deal to me than it probably is because... its been such a long road. And there is finally an end in sight!
Hope to have the video up VERY soon!


Posted by aggimajera - August 14th, 2013

Just thought I'd do a quick check in and make a record of my progress.
So Episode 4 (and the final episode of the main story) is making excellent progress. Out of 37 pages of storyboard, I've completed 19. Although there was about a 2 minute portion that rendered my storyboard useless and forced me to create new scene s and compensate. So in actuality I've knocked out WAY more.
Anywho, this episode will realistically clock in around 9.5 minutes. But there will be no filler. Every scene will count for something, and the story will be explained nicely. And, to be honest, this one damn near made me tear up as I made it. It's simply incredible to see something you've imagined in your head present in physical form in front of you.
I am so excited to get this baby wrapped up and make it available for you all to watch.
Once this is all over, every episode will be combined into a short film with an extra added epilogue. More on that later.
Anyway, here's a little screenshot for you. It's small, but it's seems like a good idea to put up.
I'm tired, but persevering.

Hey there everybody.


Posted by aggimajera - August 9th, 2013

I have a little question to anyone who reads this post.
Have you seen an animation here that had a legit story to tell, and actually made you FEEL for the characters in it?
I'd like to be pointed to a few, if you would :)
Thank you!