1 more update on my life and my progress on this next part.
So there's only 10 pages of storyboard left. This is it, the home stretch! I've passed over 104 scenes already, adding up to about 8 minutes. The final video will (unfortunately) pass the 10 minute mark by about 30 seconds.
So I went out camping for a few days, slowed down development a little bit, but its back to biz as usual.
But I also fear that my computer might be acting up with some hard drive issues, and may require some maintenance if it becomes a major issue.
Otherwise, just letting you know that it's so,so close to being done. It seems like a bigger deal to me than it probably is because... its been such a long road. And there is finally an end in sight!
Hope to have the video up VERY soon!
Looking forward to it!