Made it through recruit training at MCRD San Diego and Camp Pendleton and made it up "The Reaper" with my main pack of 75+ pounds of gear. I am officially an Active duty Regular United States Marine .
I'm back for 10 days of leave to recuperate and get my sh** together at home. During that time here I'll post the Crestfallen: The Leopards Frontier poster I was working on before I left 3 months ago and will post a couple drawings I made during boot camp. Nothing major.
As time goes on in the fleet I plan to find time to animate a trailer for a hypothetical animated feature about "The Chosin Reservoir", a forgotten battle of the Korean War.
Anyway, take it easy ladies and gents!
Congrats! Nice work, even for a west coast Marine.
I'm just playing of course. I'm in the Air Force so whatever....
You guys are easy targets until we need air support.
So thanks, brother,