Burned out.
I've been working alone for a few months now and have been looking at the same 32-seconds of movie. I have been working and getting schooled in the Russian Language. I was given a side project away from this one. Now I've resumed working out and am trying to get my fitter body back again.
I'm on shading and after effects now. But working alone is a slow, slow, slow process. I've paid careful attention to each and every individual one of the 437 drawings I did and have been commended for achieving a modest level of fluidity and consistency at 12 frames-per-second by friends and fellow animators alike. Many days and nights spent looking at my computer screen. Everything is on me and nobody else. I get lonely. I get restless. And I find my progess slowing because I'm just exhausted. I've done so damn much for this one, changed its tone many times along the way. Its been a marathon for such a small result.
I'm nearing the end of this animation piece and hopefully the fruits of my efforts show in its quality, despite it's length. I am alone in the production process and every detail, every movement, everything on-screen needed to be drawn by me.
I really do not know why I'm writing this.
As long as you finish it, you can complete it at any pace.Any. As long as you don't cancel it or anything like that. It's as you've said already, you have laid down too much time, effort and resources. This cannot fail. And trust me, it won't!