I've been wondering. Some animators here and elsewhere (myself included) simply are not musicians. And some of us will use liscensed songs in our animations.
And of course, as always, we give credit where it is due. Its the moral thing to do to let others know a particular part of the work is not your work but anothers...
Do you consider it sort of like "cheating" when you use liscensed music to add to your animation?
Or is it relative, meaning theres a difference between putting it in because it "sounds cool" and putting it in because you feel you have the right idea in your head to do the track justice.
Opinions would be nice! :D
Taking music (Licensed or not) without giving it proper credit is wrong.
But if you do give it proper credits it sounds fine to me.
Ah, of course! I did forget to mention that. Credit must be given where it is due, and I abide with that always. I will be sure to put that in the original post. Thanks for the reminder!