Loyalty had about 10 pages of storyboard.
Omniscience had 11.
Valiance had 20.
And the final one? Over 40 pages of storyboard.
... Time to stock up on 5 hour energies and Rockstars, say goodbye to sleep and most of my social life, and get to animating.
This will be the ultimate test to prove my dedication to the completion of the project, and to see if I've learned anything about Anime Studio 9 in the past 5 months.
If I thought Valiance was epic, then this one will be absolutely APOCALYPTIC! Will it be the last in the Overseer series? You left quite a cliffhanger regarding the rest of the facility, but what would be interesting to see, is WHY the Overseer does what he does, roaming the lands and such. And what happened to his love in Omnisciende? I'd love to see all the loose ends tied up in your upcoming movie!
Good luck on your animating! Keep it up, man! And by the way, what does "Ya trahal tvou doch" mean? I'd appreciate if you told me!
aggimajera (Updated )
Don't worry. Everything that you just asked about will be resolved. And you just might learn some things you didn't really expect.
And this isn't really the FINAL one in the Overseer universe... TBH there are still 3 other unrelated characters who's stories I want to tell. More on that later.
I will do my damnedest to make sure this conclusion for this man is meaningful and will not leave any nagging doubts.
And as for the translation... It'll be translated in the next part, so please be patient with that.
Thanks for your support!