Hello there,welcome to Newgrounds!I hope that you will enjoy yourself here.Nice user photo,by the way.If you do not mind me asking,in your submission,what language are the voices talking in?
Those voices are spoken in Russian, I know a few guys who speak it that are willing to do voices for me.
Rough Translation is:
"Sh*t, who is this f***er?"
"What does he want?"
"What is he doing here?"
And thanks for the welcome :)
Hello there,welcome to Newgrounds!I hope that you will enjoy yourself here.Nice user photo,by the way.If you do not mind me asking,in your submission,what language are the voices talking in?
aggimajera (Updated )
Those voices are spoken in Russian, I know a few guys who speak it that are willing to do voices for me.
Rough Translation is:
"Sh*t, who is this f***er?"
"What does he want?"
"What is he doing here?"
And thanks for the welcome :)